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Comprehensive R&D aimed at further improvement of series-built surface warships and submarines of the third generation and their upgrade during overhauls.

V.M. Pashin is appointed Director of the Krylov Institute.

The core areas of research are complemented with a novel field — environmental studies. The Krylov Institute starts to be widely engaged in the work contracted by foreign companies and continues to explore the opportunities of using the technical solutions earlier developed for warships and naval auxiliaries for the benefit of commercial shipbuilding and other industries. Wider cooperation with foreign research institutions is started.

The Krylov Institute is awarded the status of a State Research Centre of the Russian Federation. Incorporation of the Central Design Bureau Baltsudoproect and Central Standardization & Certification Institute LOT. The Krylov Institute becomes a ship research & design organization able to address the design tasks of any level of complexity.

Валентин Михайлович Пашин, Герой Российской Федерации, лауреат Государственной премии СССР, академик РАНValentin M. Pashin, Hero of the Russian Federation, USSR State Prize laureate, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Next: 2000–2011