Russia traditionally celebrates its Navy Day on the last Sunday of July to pay a tribute of honour, memory and glory to naval sailors and all those contributing to the strength of Russian Navy.
KSRC staff celebrated this solemn event on July 29, arranging a meeting near Thank You for Our Happy Childhood memorial commemorating the KSRC employees who died in the Second World War. Retired Navy officers traditionally attend these meetings full-dress to underscore the importance of the event.
Director General of KSRC delivered a congratulatory speech in front of the audience, outlining the ambitious tasks faced by KSRC as the flagship of Russian shipbuilding responsible for scientific support of modern naval ship design. Greeting messages were also given by the Head of Administration of Moskovsky District and Scientific Principal of KSRC. The formal part of the meeting also included the performances of a singer (with patriotic songs) and a dancing band. The meeting was concluded by a march of naval cadets with spreaded flags.
The event also included an informal function with food served from a field kitchen.