Ice management simulation facility enables:
- simulation of marine operations in ice-infested waters at any desired level of complexity;
- training sessions and drills for ship and offshore platform crews in preparation for joint operations including oil platform installation on site, tanker approach to oil terminal in ice conditions, etc.;
- practice of emergency response actions to minimize accident risks during cargo loading and ice management operations;
- training of navigators for handling newly designed ships before construction is actually completed.
Verified mathematical models of ship and offshore platform behavior, realistic mathematical (FEM) models of ice situation.
The simulator facilities have been developed and built based on Russian-made products.
Configuration of Simulator Complex:
- Two full-scale multirole 360° view navigation bridges.
- Four multifunctional 180° view navigation bridges.
- Control stations:
— crane control panel;
— marine operations control panel – towage of large size structures (platforms);
— platform-to-tanker oil transfer control panel.
- System of tools for physical modeling of operations in ice-infested waters.
- Virtual ice – unique mathematical (FEM) ice model enabling high-accuracy simulation of real ship behavior sailing in ice-infested waters, overcoming ice ridges or towing icebergs.
- System of tools for real-time simulation of ship navigator’s operational environment.
- Training session master control panel.
- Training classroom.
Equipment of Navigation Bridges:
- Trainee conning display-control interface of ship & navigation equipment:
— navigation and deck lights, signaling flags and shapes;
— towing and mooring gears;
— distress signals;
— display of accidents (collisions, malfunctions);
— other ship equipment.
- Visual environment simulation system (projectors, video walls);
- Radar/ARPA simulators;
- Simulators of radio navigation display systems (GPS navigator GP-90, Loran-C, UAIS MKD, SSAS and Furuno automatic direction finder);
- Electronic chart display system (ECDIS) Navi-Sailor 4000;
- NAVIS dynamic positioning control tools;
- Towing system control panel;
- Ship’s interior communication system simulation module;
- Ship’s VHF communication simulation module;
- Modules of interface with real ship hardware;
- Analyzer & archiver of exercise results;
- Mathematical modeling of ships and floaters, port facilities and fixed structures.
- Simulation of ship maneuvering in harbors or near offloading terminals at sea for investigation purposes.
- Working out of training methods and holding of training sessions with simulation of icebreaker operations during ice management including joint operations of several vessels around marine structures on the Arctic Shelf.
- Elaboration of regulations and holding of training exercises pertinent to interaction of offshore platforms with tankers and supply vessels during cargo transfer operations in open and ice-infested waters.
- Elaboration of regulations and simulation of towing operations involving ships of different types to investigate navigational aspects of such operations.
- Elaboration of regulations regarding offshore crane operations involving heavy-lift floating cranes.
- Development of efficient ice management systems using the unique experimental capabilities of Krylov’s Ice Basin.
- Planning and holding of study & training courses in the relevant fields jointly with the leading Russian educational & training centers and in association with the expert community.
- PAO Sovcomflot
- Gazprom JSC
- Gazflot JSC
- Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping
- Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
- State Corporation Rosatomflot
- Transas Group
- Rosmorport
- Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
- JSC Marine Navigation Systems