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Shallow-water towing tank

Hull form optimization of inland ships. Refining of marine operations. Evaluation of sea bed scour near fixed offshore structures.

Length, m — 70
Width, m — 20
Water depth range, m — 0.5 to 1.5
Minimum wave length, m — 0.6

Seakeeping basin

Hull form design of dynamically supported craft for efficient operation in rough seas and winds. Development of motion damping systems. Generation of mathematical models to describe ship motions.

Overall dimensions, m — 161×20
Carriage speed, m/s — 5.5
Deep-water part:
Length, m — 89
Depth, m — 4
Carriage speed, m/s — 3,5
Shallow-water part:
Length, m — 72
Depth, m — 0.2 to 1.5
Carriage speed, m/s — 2.5
Wave parameters, m:
Length, m — 1.5 to 8.0
Height, m — up to 0.3

New ice basin

Outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment for measuring kinematics of ships and offshore structures operating on the Arctic shelf and interaction with ice features.

Length of ice sheet, m — 80
Width, m — 10
Water depth, 80% length, m — 2.0
Water depth, 20% length, m — 3.8

Multi-purpose Offshore/Maneuvering & Seakeeping Basin (under construction)

Main Data Offshore basin Maneuvering/Seakeeping basin
Length, m 53 162
Width, m 44.5 137
Depth, m 0-10 5
Wave height, m Up to 0.8 Up to 1
Simulation center

Multi-role interactive training & modeling facilities capable of simulating marine operations of any desired complexity.

Next: Объект инфраструктуры Ледовый Опытовый бассейн